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Hello, thank you for visiting my website.

My name is Elliott Jones and I'm a street photographer currently living in north west Leicestershire.

I've always been interested in the British tradition of 'people watching' and using my camera to capture urban and suburban environments as an artistic expression of the people that live within these areas or have visited them.

Where most people's self care involves meditation or going for a run, my self care is to go out and take photographs. 

I shoot in both colour and black and white, as I like using both formats to convey the emotion and expression that a subject or scene that I'm capturing gives to me.

I'm a massive fan of the 35mm film era and so for me the Fujifilm and the Ricoh GR camera systems are the digital camera's I love using to get the right balance between the 35mm film feel to street photography alongside the modern perks of having a digital camera.

I'm all for everyone using their mobile phones, as its better to of taken a photograph of a moment or scene than not at all but for me nothing beats using a camera to truly express the emotional nostalgia that you get from street photography.

More of my photographs can be found on my Instagram page, link is on my website.

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